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2023 Partners/Projects

Writer's picture: B4CB4C

The Foundation for Sustainable Forests: Funds raised through the Blitz will directly support invasive species management at FSF’s Floraroze Forest in Erie County, as well as the production of an educational video about FSF’s ecological forestry and ongoing bird research in our woodlands.  Floraroze Forest, whose name is derived from the initials of the land donor’s ancestors, has been under FSF’s care since 2007 and is one of six properties being studied by Dr. Steven Latta of the National Aviary.  Now in their third year, Dr. Latta’s team is conducting an observational study of the relationship between FSF’s ecological forest management, songbird diversity, and habitat quality. Based on the team’s preliminary data, we believe the invasive species management at Floraroze Forest will benefit numerous Species of Greatest Conservation Need, including Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush, and Hooded Warbler. ​​

South Middleton Township: The South Middleton Township Wetland and Grassland Expansion Plan is seeking funding to help remove the target land area of manicured grass and restore the area to its natural wetlands in order to plant target species, thin out larger plant growth in three already established wetland areas to maintain the ecosystem for the already established Rails, and provide educational signs explaining the importance of the Virginia Rail and other target species within our parks. South Middleton Township is excited to partner with the Pennsylvania Society for Ornithology and its members to increase awareness within the community and expand the populations of target species, like the Virginia Rail.

Hawk Mountain: Will hire a Pennsylvania Bird Atlas Project Coordinator to work closely with the Atlas Steering Committee to begin developing survey protocols and educational materials that will be used in outreach to general public and to the birding communities. We are seeking funding to help support developing educational and training materials that will be used for promoting the Atlas and educating potential Atlas volunteers across the state.  Hawk Mountain is excited to partner with birdwatchers and ornithologists across the state to help launch this important effort to survey and conserve Pennsylvania’s birds.


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